Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Phurba meets the snow!

In March,  Dave and I decided to take a trip to Tahoe to visit the Sierra Club's Bradley Hut.  And to see how Phurba would do in the snow.

After a three hour car ride, she was let out of the car to do her damage.  She wasted zero seconds and dove right in.  Literally.

But after the initial contact with the snow, it was time for Phurba to gear up and head out.  It's a five mile trek, by snow-shoe for me and by paw for the dog.  She lived up to her sherpa namesake.  

Here she is on one of her perimeter checks of the hut.  

I don't really have anything else to add.  I just wanted to brag about how great my dog is.  :)